Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Happy Marriage Without Sex, Is It Possible?

I was surfing the internet when this link popped up on my screen and it is about sex in marriage. What I found out is amazing and at the same time scary. I can imagine what is going on in your mind right now. Many couples have divergent opinions about whether it is possible to be happy in a sexless marriage or not. It's no news that many marriages have collapsed due to lack of sex in marriage. Lack of sex in marriage often leads to having extra marital affairs and sometimes divorce. Please share your opinion, experience or advise on how to be happy in marriage without sex.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Love At First Sight

People always say that love at first sight can be real, while many think otherwise. Lets hear your opinion if you believe in Love at first SIGHT.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

RELATIONSHIP TIPS: How To Make Your Man Feel Loved

RELATIONSHIP TIPS: How To Make Your Man Feel Loved: Men are fragile human beings, who need to be treated with care and love. They want to be loved just like their women folks. Next time when ...

How To Make Your Man Feel Loved

Men are fragile human beings, who need to be treated with care and love. They want to be loved just like their women folks. Next time when you think that only women need love, don’t get it twisted, and remember that men too need some love.

Use relationship tips as a guide for better relationship success.

1. Tell him how handsome he is once in a while. This will make his head “wanna blow off” kind of.

2. Occasionally flirt with him in public gatherings, such as in a bar, at the movies, while shopping, among others. This act alone will not only make him feel so cherished, but ignites the passion of true love you share. Just a quick peck or light kiss here and there, will just be fine.

3. Give your man a special treat by taking him to his favourite place for a dinner and pay the bill. This is one way to Protect your marriage from collapse and strengthen your love.

4. Tell your man how sexy he is makes him feel cherished and loved.

5. Once in a while, just act jealous, even if don’t mean it for real.

6. A man wants to be acknowledged as a wonderful father, husband, mate or boyfriend.

7. Tell him that his coming into your life is the most unique thing that ever happens to you.

8. Tell him that you will always love him comes sunshine, comes rainfall.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014


10 WAYS TO PROPOSE TO A LADY YOU WANT TO MARRY Proposing to a lady you love always comes with different mindsets. You have to make up your mind if she is the one you actually want to spend the rest of your life with. You need the courage, honesty, creativity and the best way to make the proposal a moment to remember for a long time to come. The objective of the proposal is to hear her resounding "YES, I WILL MARRY YOU"!
1. Propose At A Secret Birthday Party: Propose to your fiancée at a secret birthday party organized for her could be a wonderful way to set the candle of love burning. Call her over that you want to take her out on a date to celebrate her birthday. Make sure everything is set with some of your friends and hers hanging about in the corners of the house. As soon as she opens the door, there you go! She is going love it. 2. Propose In A Hotel Room: Decorate a good hotel room with flowers, candle light, dim light and propose to her in a romantic way. This will surely make her head wanna blow off. 3. Propose At The Cinema: Take her out on a date to watch movies, especially the movies she has been looking forward to watch. Like the best thriller at the moment, hilarious or love kinda of movie. Propose to her in between movies and make it loud enough to attract attention of the audience. 4. Propose In The Church: How will she feel if you ask her, "will you marry me" in the presence of congregation? I am pretty sure she will feel loved. Propose to her in the church after the service, shows that you really mean business and ready to marry her for real. 5. Propose In A Public Place: Public place like a restaurant or eatery, during a festive period, is a good avenue to propose to your girlfriend. The atmosphere in this place is quite amazing as lovers always come here for refreshment. But make sure that she is going to say YES, to avoid being embarrassed.
6. Propose At A Sport Centre: Go out and watch your favourite club play or any sport she loves, and propose to her in the first half of the game. This is a special way to show her the love you guys share is for real. 7. Use Audio/Visual Presentation: You can use PowerPoint to design presentation with her favourite music playing in underground. Let the slides display love quotes and moments you have had together. Watch the presentation together and at the end of the show, the big word is, "will you marry me".
8. Propose At The Beach: Organize a picnic at the beach where both of you can enjoy the atmosphere of the ocean view. After horse riding, swimming, games, just tell her that you have surprise for her. Propose to her at the bank of the beach and let the love flow with the rhythm of the cool water. 9. Propose in the bedroom: Inform your girlfriend that you want to give her a treat at home. Prepare her favourite food and serve in the bedroom. Let the atmosphere in the room shows that there is love in the air. Let her be inquisitive about what is happening in here sort of. Watch her eat with drinks and start talking about how you guys met and the best moments you have had together. Then, let the cat out of the bag; kneel down and ask her the big question. YES, IT’S, I am sure! 10. Propose In A Club: If she an outgoing kind of a person, you can propose to her in the club. Arrange with the DJ to allow you make an announcement in the middle of the rock n roll. You can imagine the rest of the story. Hope this article will assist you have a good idea of how and where to propose to your girlfriend for that resounding reply, YES. Please share and let your friends benefit. See yah! Please, don’t hesitate to add any other ways you think is more romantic to propose to a girlfriend.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

12 Ways to Protect Your #Marriage from Collapse

How to Protect Your #Marriage from Collapse Many people, once they got married, never think of protecting their marriage against internal and external forces, which may lead to collapse of their union. They believe that the marriage will just continue to work perfectly well. Marriage needs to be guided and protected from falling apart like a pack of cards. Therefore, let’s take a look at how marriage can be protected from total collapsing.
1. Show love to your spouse always. Marriage needs consistent show of care and love. 2. Stop nagging. Many husband, if not all, don't like their wives to be nagging unnecessary. 3. Maintain household fund to avoid regular conflict. Money is the wheel of life. Talk about finances and 4. Avoid third party interference. Always try to resolve issues between yourselves because third party interference can be intimidating. 5. Don’t compare your spouse with another person. Remember that he/she is your spouse not that person. 6. Be #sexually active in your marriage. Don't give your spouse an avenue to look outward for sexual satisfaction.
7. Avoid intimacy with opposite sex in the office, because work place can be a danger zone to endangering your marriage. 8. Always dress nice to impress your husband, but watch out the kind of cloths you put on while going out alone. 9. Guide yourself against temptation through chatting and online activities. This will assist you curb any advances from opposite sex on the internet. 10. Flirt with your spouse only. Flirting is a nice way to build a solid relationship, excitement and intimacy between two people. 11. Spend quality time at home with your spouse. Good marriage is built by spending quality time together, laughing together, watching movies, jokes and playing together.
12. Rely on God for help. You need God's strength and guidance to live an error free marriage. Always pray together and ask for help to resolve any issue you may be having with your marriage. PS: Please, share your ideas with us, or add your comments. You can subscribe to our newsletters to receive updates directly in your mail box.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

8 Important Things During Courtship For Better Relationship

8 Important Things During Courtship For Better Relationship Courtship is a period when two people in a relationship get to know each other better. The period of courtship depends on the people involved.
1. Be Genuine: if you are in a courtship with someone you love, be genuine in everything you do. Research has shown that people tend to hide their true identity during courtship period to gain undeserved advantage of the situation. You have to be real and show your true character to avoid undermining the relationship in the long run. 2. Avoid Telling Lies: Courtship period is meant to know each other better. So avoid telling lies as this could lead to distrust in the relationship. Where there is lack of trust in love affair, the relationship will have negative eventualities. I am sure you don’t want anything to destabilize your happiness. 3. Know His/Her Strength And Weakness: Everyone has his/her own strengths and weaknesses in different areas of Endeavor. It’s worthwhile that both of you know the strengths and weaknesses of each other. This will enable you manage the issues of personality, decision making, project management and trust.
4. Cross Check Family Background: Knowing the family background of your prospective spouse is important to the sustenance of the marriage. In Africa, it’s believed that if you marry a woman, you also marry her parents. So, you guys should discuss your family backgrounds, what kind of in-laws they are, dos and don’ts in the family and all of that. This will enable you guys have a good reason to marry from that family. 5. Know Your Blood Group and Genotype: For the sake of your children, when they start coming, you should know the blood group and genotype of each other before marriage. The common issue of giving birth to sickle cell children will be put to check. 6. Examine Your Compatibility: Marriage brings different people with different characters into one family. So, you’re expected to have diverse ways of life – attitude, thinking, opinion, reaction, and doing things in general. Courtship gives you the opportunity to know if you’re compatible, how to manage your differences and complement each other when you eventually get hook up. 7. Encourage Career Development: When you’re dating your spouse, it’s vital to encourage yourselves in career development. This period is really interesting because you can easily know the kind of home you are going to build. They say, behind every successful man, there is always a woman. Whichever any career your prospective spouse has chosen to pursue, encourage him/her for better future.
8. Avoid Long Courtship and propose to her: It’s not how far, but how well. Don’t waste time in courtship. Propose to her and marry her if you have observed the afore-mentioned guidelines. Long courtship in a relationship does not guarantee good marriage. Sometimes, long courtship may lead to eventual break up, because different issues may begin to weight the relationship down. So take your sweetheart to your mama!