Wednesday, September 3, 2014


True love, they say, is hard to find. But when we find someone we are in love with, how do we know if truly the love is for real. Research has shown that many people who claim to be in love are actually in infatuation. There is no title more popular in television and movies than LOVE. Soap operas are filled with “Romantic Love.” The subject of love is similarly to the title of most popular songs. We are always confronted with the idea, “Love is all that matters.” In a secular magazine, a writer describes what most people think about romantic love: “Love is a mysterious visitation which comes out of nowhere and into the here and now and takes hold of you—just like the measles…. It is recognized intuitively…. If it’s the real thing, you won’t have to be told. You will know without asking. “Love is so important that you must give up everything else for it. A man is justified in giving up his wife for it, a woman is justified in abandoning her home and children for it, a king is justified in giving up his throne for it. “It may go as unexpectedly as it came, and there is nothing you can do about that either. It is not, in any way, subject to human control.” (Culled From: Paul Popenoe, “The Romantic Complex,” Family Life Magazine.) This article is therefore written to assist you in identifying signs or what you should look out for in a relationship to know if what you actually feel is true love or infatuation.
1.LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT True love: True love does not begin in a hurry. It starts slowly, because you need to know a person better before you can truly love that person. Love at first sight is not a true love. It takes a lot of time to really know someone. A long courtship is far better than short courtship. Infatuation: We have people who meet for the first time and claim to fall in love. What they have for each other is infatuation at first sight, not love at first sight. They don't know anything about each other but have made a first good impression. 2. MAJOR ATTRACTION True love: Personality of someone you truly love should be a major attraction, not the physical attraction. The looks may fade away, but his person will remain forever. Infatuation: The physical attractions- a pretty face, figure eight, body type, height, good looking - are really deceiving factors when it comes to true love. So, be careful and not be deceived, because physical appearance will not last forever. 3. HOW THE RELATIONSHIP AFFECTS YOUR PERSONALITY True love: someone who truly loves you will bring out the best in you. He will do everything to make you a better person and succeed in everything you do. Infatuation: An infatuation will have disorganize effect on your personality, because you will not really be responsible and efficient in everything you embark on. You will be daydreaming all the time and your romantic feelings take control of you. You don't care if he changes his bad attitude or he succeeds.
4. DISAGREEMENT Love true: When you're truly in love, you disagree to agree because love conquers all. No matter your disagreements, you overcome them and life goes on. People in love discuss their differences frankly and openly, thereby reducing their disagreements as the love grows stronger each day. Infatuation: infatuation brings about disagreement often. You may be kissing always, making up, but in the long run, the quarrels may become frequent and getting deeper everyday. You always quarrel and always make up. This is not a sign of people in true love. So be warned!
5. HOW SELFISH OR SELFLESS ARE YOU? True love: You're supposed to love the person for what he/she is, not what you want him/her to be, in order to boost your ego. Infatuation: Your interest comes first, and that is selfness. You may want to date a popular guy/girl to boost your ego and that does not mean you are in love. 6. WHAT DO YOU GET FROM RELATIONSHIP True love: people in love true don't go into the relationship because of what they can get from it, but because they are truly in love. They don't care your family background or your money. They're committed, selfless and bring happiness to the other person. Infatuation: love of money and material things are elements of infatuation. What you can get is more important than the person. This is also called money love. Once the money is gone, they are upset in everything you do.
7. YOUR RELATIONSHIP REFERENCE True love: People in true love always use common words like: we, our, us. This is because you're referring to both of them as one entity. True love thinks in unity and does everything together. "We can make it, let us do it together, this is our home". These are words of people who are really in love. Use them as frequent as possible, for they have a lasting impression in a relationship. Infatuation: Always think of relationship in terms of two people, you and your love. I, ME, HE, HIS, HERS, and her, are words commonly used because you see yourself as separate persons. So, when next time you want to talk about or talk to the person you claim to love, mind your words.

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